Moving Sale (Must sell )
1. 5 drawer Wooden chest/衣櫃 ($35), 2.Twin size matress/床墊 (very clean, double padded for extra comfort)($25),3.guitar$15, 4.二層置物架.container($3 total),5. trash can/垃圾桶($1),6.clothes hangers/衣架 (20 for $1), 7.TV antennae ($5), 8.White plastic laundry baskets/白色洗衣籃 ($2),9.Picture frame for 3 photos from Crate & Barrel/相框$5 (brand new) , 10.TI-85 graphing calculator( $25), 11.DELL mouse/keyboard/鍵盤滑鼠 (brand new) ($8 together),12.重低音影響 (2 satellites and one subwoofer) - $99 (brand new) with box13.cutting board菜板free . utensils(free)湯匙.叉子等.....14.電話$3 310 500 9822 the pictures are in: